As a creative director for a DevOps conference that takes place in Animal Crossing!, I worked on crafting a unique online event experience! I handled all the creative tasks that goes into putting together an event like this, including graphic design, motion graphics, physical (and digital) swag, and coding custom web-based interactive overlays.

Overlays & Motion Graphics
I lovingly created some motion graphics that replicates a lot of the living, breathing interfaces found in Animal Crossing, of Animal Crossing.
From Start to Finish
All of these graphics ~ from the logo to the patterns to everything in between ~ were created from scratch! For example, here was the process (and references) used in creating the two icons for the event and twitch channel:
Here's what the final icons look like:

Accessibility in Online Events
An image description template came each of the social media cards:
I also worked on a experimental webpage / twitch extension that mirrors the on-stream text in an accessible format that's selectable and readable to screen readers. (This also means you can click twitter links in the talks!) I plan to expand on this in other online events as well.
Bonus: Stream Deck integration!
This was a side project that was not officially part of Deserted Island DevOps, but I reversed engineered the Nintendo Online APIs and got in-game reactions working thru my Stream Deck! (A blog post on how I pulled this off is in the works!)
i rigged up my OG virtual avatar with
— melodyreactions
thru my stream deck
(@stargazermellu) May 13, 2021